The first epistle, (Letter), to the Corinthians was written by the Apostle Paul to address some problems, which had arisen in the church at Corinth. In the early chapters of…
Let’s talk about the Bible. I use it as my main source to validate all that I say. But most people, including Christians, do not read the Bible with any…
The end of the world is near—December 21, 2012, to be exact—according to theories based on a purported ancient Maya prediction and fanned by the marketing machine behind the soon-to-be-released…
According to the Barna Group, the majority of Christians do not believe that Satan or that the devil actually exist. However, according to an AP-AOL news poll, up to 97%…
The devil will always seek to lead us into confusion where he suggests a course of action that is not correct. The trap of an erroneous conclusion is his first…
The belief that man fell from God’s glory is predicated upon other beliefs i.e. That there is a God; That He created man as part of an ultimate creation of…
It’s been said that Jesus will come for His church on earth and rapture them into His presence. It is a catching away of all Christians, real ones, not religious,…
A walk of Faith, Failure, Forgiveness and Victory
Judges Chapter 13-16
Most of us have read the Biblical story of Samson and his love affair with Delilah. What we probably never realized…
“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
This month, in the USA, we celebrate a national holiday called, ‘Thanksgiving”.…
Easter is all about bunnies and colored eggs…NOT!!!! Easter is about family and holiday gatherings…NOT!!!! Then what is Easter all about?
I think this scripture, Isaiah 5:5, best describes the theology…
Does Jesus dwell in you by His Holy Spirit? If He does, it’s because God wants His Word to become flesh…your flesh and to walk this earth once again but…
Do you know who you really are? How do you define yourself? What is the essence of you? Most people define their existence by a title. They are a cop,…