Hello my friends.
My 79th birthday is this month, on the 29th. I am thankful to God that he has given me this time to write books and minister to…
Hello again
Soon we will celebrate Valentine’s Day. It’s on the 14th. Then comes my 42nd wedding anniversary to my lovely wife, Marilyn. That happens on the 22nd.
Now for…
Well, here we are, safe and sound in 2024. What will this year bring? For sure, a national election and a new president, plus other political positions. Hopefully, Israel will…
Hello again my friends and Merry Christmas…It’s coming soon. Where did 2023 go? It passed us by like a flash of light in a darkened sky. Did any of you…
Hello from Marinelli Christian Books,
It’s November 2023. Did you ever think you would be alive today when you were 15 years old? Most of us are happy to be…
Hello my friends,
Well, here we are again. This time it’s one day before October 2023. Most of us are on this side of the grass, so that’s a good…
Hello my friends,
I am thankful that I can once again communicate with you by email. As always, I hope you enjoy my newsletters and blogs. I share them with…
Hello Again
It’s August 2023 and we are still above ground. The view is great on this side of the grass. The sun is shining. The birds are chirping and…
Hello again.
The 4th of July = Freedom
It’s that time of year, when we celebrate the freedom we enjoy and the independence from the expectations of other countries that…
My Two Newest Books… are here and ready to sell…I’ve been busy writing up a storm. You can now read about, “Heaven, Hell & Beyond” and a special in-depth look at…
We seem to be living in the “Now & Then” of life. It’s March 2023 and what of it.? The clouds are still passing us by. The economy is still…
Hello again…My how time passes. We are in February of 2023 already. It’s time to prepare for Valentine’s Day. However, I have another February event that is even more important,…