I traveled beyond the rainbow, To see all that I could see. I gazed at the beauty of the stars, And looked into the door of eternity.
But when I…
Stinking thinking, they say, Is bad for your health. For it frustrates life’s goals, And denies true happiness felt.
A right perspective is important, As we think about everything. It…
In the twinkle of an eye, The Lord will come for me. Before you can even blink, I’ll be with Jesus in eternity.
In the twinkle of an eye, The…
Rock of Ages, draw me nigh To a place that is higher than I. Where peace and safety surely dwell Far from the torment of an endless hell.
I stand…
Lord! I cannot see the light of day, For this cave is dark and yet I pray. Life has overwhelmed me on every side, Because of oppression, fear and pride.…
A lighthouse is a blessing, To the ships that toss in the sea, For it shows them the way, Until they can clearly see.
The rage of an angry storm…
God has a little 2’ X 4’ That rest on heaven’s windowsill. He uses it now and then, When we stray from His will.
Sometimes we need a good “Bap”;…
The Lord is The Savior of my soul. By His stripes, I am made whole.
The Lord Is The Beginning & the End. The Alpha & the Omega, My very…
In the quiet of the hour, I walk with my Lord each day. Sometimes in prayerful thought Of what the Master is about to say.
Oft times I sit in…
The steps of a good man Are ordered by the Lord. He leads us by still waters Until our souls are restored.
Our pain and suffering Are all taken away.…
If the pastor doesn’t follow the Master, Then I cannot follow the pastor. But if the pastor walks with the Master, Then I can walk with the pastor.
When pastors…
Prayer is spoken words uttered to God above, either by voice aloud, or through a mind of love.
Request for daily help in life’s every affair. A plea for more…