We built our homes together, Mine upon a Rock and his in the sand. He thought his would be all right, But he was a foolish man.
God’s wisdom showed…
Inspired by God’s love, I pen this rhyme. For you, dear friend, while there is still time.
Hear my words, for they are true. Jesus, God’s only Son, gave His…
I mounted up with Eagles’ Wings to soar above the clouds. I viewed life above its trials, separate from the crowds.
Just me and God, together in the day, His…
Earthen vessels have never shown such glory that once was known. Through time and all of eternity, came the glory of His majesty.
Full of love and full of grace,…
They seek after peace of mind, But make choices that Do not rhyme.
They are giants made of sand That fall apart when It’s time to stand.
They hear words…
He waits, oh man, with open arms. By Holy Spirit, He woos and charms. Calling by name, thy sins to right, Pleading, in love, for thee tonight.
Hear, oh man,…
I’ll speak of things that are not, Believing in them as though they were, Because my Heavenly Father spoke them first, In glorious promises that never blur.
I’ll take Him…
I find myself in God. He is my, “Everything.” I know that He is Lord, My life, My Hope, and King.
I find myself in God, Not the ways of…
“Let us pass over unto the other side”, Said Jesus, at the Sea of Galilee. His faith rested in His father’s will, And that He had a Divine destiny.
Forgiveness offers freedom, To the repentant soul. It opens God’s heart, To forgive and make you whole.
God does not honor The unrepentant heart. Instead, He closes up heaven, To…
Storms are common to this life They howl with sorrow and strife Like the rage of an angry sea They flood the mind with imagery
Fear and worry soon enter…
God is faithful Even when we are not. He watches over His Word, Crossing “T’s” and dotting every dot.
He is a very present help In times of sorrow and…