Lord! I cannot see the light of day, For this cave is dark and yet I pray. Life has overwhelmed me on every side, Because of oppression, fear and pride.…
A lighthouse is a blessing, To the ships that toss in the sea, For it shows them the way, Until they can clearly see.
The rage of an angry storm…
God has a little 2’ X 4’ That rest on heaven’s windowsill. He uses it now and then, When we stray from His will.
Sometimes we need a good “Bap”;…
The Lord is The Savior of my soul. By His stripes, I am made whole.
The Lord Is The Beginning & the End. The Alpha & the Omega, My very…
In the quiet of the hour, I walk with my Lord each day. Sometimes in prayerful thought Of what the Master is about to say.
Oft times I sit in…
The steps of a good man Are ordered by the Lord. He leads us by still waters Until our souls are restored.
Our pain and suffering Are all taken away.…