Don’t worry about tomorrow. You did that yesterday. Go on with your life, And remember always to pray.
Ask and it shall be given to you, But this great truth…
He placed my feet on a highway called “Holiness” that led my soul to the throne of God.
Amidst the cheers of Angels, I walk wearing His holy gown. Onward…
There’s a whisper in the wind, That lingers both day and night. A champion of truth and justice, By the power of His might.
A word in due season, That…
What manner of man is this, That calms the wind and sea. With only the wave of His hand, He caused my fear to flee.
He calms the storms of…
The Angels cry “Holy,” while sorrow fills the land. For God’s Judgment Day is to come upon every man.
The Angels cry “Holy,” while mankind goes astray, rejecting the love…
I hold the world at arm’s length That their choices may not interfere. While they do their own thing, I watch and wait over here.
My steps must not go…