Things often come to pass, but seldom do they ever last. They come into our busy day for a while, and then pass away.
We hear their voices, loud and…
Little prisons await the lustful soul. Bars of selfishness and pride create dungeons of icy cold.
Prisons of shame and jealousy fill the heart with utter despair. Bars that separate…
The creatures’ expectations shall all come true. Their earnest desire is to see what God will do.
With groaning and longing, from deep within, the creatures wait, for the deliverance…
Oh, child of God, Why do you despair? My angels’ camp is around you everywhere.
You may not see my guiding hand. Yet I am with you, and I understand.…
“Let us pass over unto the other side”, Said Jesus, at the Sea of Galilee. His faith rested in His father’s will, And that He had a Divine destiny.
Oh, that mankind would repent And turn again unto the Lord, For the time is fast approaching, When all will be destroyed.
Sin is no longer called Sin By the…