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January 2024 Blog

Hello my friends,

I guess most of us survived the holidays and are off to a roaring start for 2024. If you are like me, you are wondering, “Where Do We Go From Here?” My wife would say, “Let’s go shopping” whereas most of my friends would say, “Let’s kick back and watch the sports channel? It doesn’t matter if it’s baseball or some other sport, just as long as it’s sports.

Now, I am not into sports or shopping. I spend my time reading books from If you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you. Lol…anyway, whatever we are into, the Bible says that we should do it as unto the Lord. That means, let him guide you and follow what he says and put your whole heart into it.

I believe that this world is an upside-down world. Most everything has been shaken and flipped, leaving us in a cloud of confusion and even fear of what will happen next. However, life doesn’t have to be that way.

I believe that we can be happy, even in the midst of adversity, confusion and moral decline. I even wrote a book on the subject. It’s called, “How To Be Happy.” Here’s a synopsis of the book:

How to be Happy” is a journey to find true happiness. It is also a Biblical teaching that reveals the truths of God’s Word and how we can apply them to our lives. We will read what the Psalms have to say about the joy of the Lord as well as what the Old Testament prophets and New Testament apostles had to say.

We will explore the concept of joy and lasting peace in a world full of turmoil. The King James version of the Bible will be used to quote scripture passages.

The knowledge presented and practical applications represent the author’s walk with God and relationship with the Holy Spirit over the last 60 years. It is my hope that our readers will grow spiritually as they follow after lasting peace and true happiness.
“How To Be Happy” as well as a FREE catalog of other books can be reviewed at

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I used to but I’d eventually forget about them, or I ended up breaking them sooner or later. If you were to make a resolution, what would you resolve to do? Would it be: Lose weight? Buy a new house or car? Get another dog or cat? Change jobs?

Let me suggest one that will change the course of your divine destiny. It is simple…READ The New Testament and Psalms. Do it faithfully until you begin to see the hand of God and discover the love of God for you personally.

The Bible is the inspired word of God, and it is powerful. It will speak to your heart, direct your thoughts, cleanse your soul and deliver you from the sins that so easily cause you to stumble.

What if, you were to one day find yourself walking with the Lord, seeing his hand moving in your life, being blessed beyond measure, and knowing that God really does love you? Wouldn’t that be great? It is all there for the taking. It just takes a resolve on your part to read, pray and seek the Lord every day.

Let me encourage you to make Jesus your New Year’s Resolution.

Until Next Time
John Marinelli. Author & Publisher
Marinelli Christian Books